Power grids form the central element of the energy system and they suppose a key element to ensure an efficient energy transition.
In this framework aspects relating to smart grids development in the areas of electrification of the consumption (electrical vehicles, HVAC), the development of services of flexibility around DER management and the grids digitization (data treatment, cybersecurity) will be addressed
Main objective of the congress is to promote a meeting point in which experts and researchers from different countries and fields can debate about the technological status and the advances in the electrical sector.
Special attention will be given on the role of the electric grids in the energy transition. Regulatory issues and the evolution of the more relevant aspects related with the future of the networks in other countries will be considered here.
“Energy transition can not be implemented without important or in-depth transformations in the electric networks”
9:00 - Reception and registration
9:30 - Congress opening
- Iván Martén Uliarte, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Orkestra –Instituto Vasco de Competitividad
- Alex Belaustegui, Vice president, TECNALIA
- Arantxa Tapia Otaegi, Minister for Economic Development and Infrastructures, Gobierno Vasco – President Ente Vasco de la Energía (EVE)
10:00 - SESSION 1. Implications of energy transition for the electrical networks. European and International context
La transición desde los modelos de negocio actuales de transporte y distribución de electricidad a los nuevos modelos de negocio basados en redes eléctricas inteligentes es probablemente el principal reto a escala mundial para las empresas de suministro energéticas. Esta evolución implicará una adopción generalizada de nuevas tecnologías y procesos, y supondrá un cambio drástico en las estrategias de negocio. Altos ejecutivos y expertos de utilities europeas e internacionales, representantes de varias administraciones y agentes clave debatirán sobre las principales implicaciones de la transición energética en las redes eléctrica en esta sesión.
Moderator: Susana Bañares, Head of Demand Response and Smart Grid Department, Red Eléctrica de España – REE
- Stephanie Bashir, Founder, NEXA Advisory
- Vahan Gevorgian, Chief Engineer for Grid Integration, National Renewable Energy Laboratory – NREL (USA)
- Kwawu Mensan Gaba, Lead Energy Specialist & Global Lead, Power Systems Solutions Group, Energy & Extractives Global Practice, The World Bank
- Ana Mozos, Head of Digital Transformation Smart Grids Global, Iberdrola
11:30 - Coffee break
12:00 - SESSION 1. Implications of energy transition for the electrical networks. European and International context (cont.)
Moderator: Jorge Fernández Gómez, Senior Researcher and Energy Lab Coordinator, Orkestra – Basque Institute of Competitiveness
- Carmen Gimeno, Secretary General, GEODE – The Voice of local Energy Distributors across Europe
- Phillip Nicholson, Electrical Networks Specialist, Department for International Trade UK
- Manuel Sánchez-Jiménez, Smart Grids team leader, European Commission – DG Energy
- Johannes Uhl, Project Director, Energy Foreign Policy Office, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
13:30 - Networking Lunch
15:00 - SESSION 2. New technologies for the electrical grids; Digitalisation and electrification of energy demand
The development of smart grids, the growing digitalisation of the energy system and the increased electrification of energy consumption will require the deployment of a wide array of new smart, advanced technologies. The technology offer from the industry sector has shifted into a fully digitized portfolio of products, where the presence of ICTs is key to improving the performance of networks and facilitating the deployment of distributed energy resources and the development of new business models. In this session, high level representatives from multinational electrical equipment manufacturers will share their views on the technological implications of this transformation and how their products and solutions will help to achieve an increasingly electrified energy supply.
Moderator: Pedro Mier, President, AMETIC
- Rafael Ángel Bago Sotillo, VP Smart Metering Global, Schneider Electric
- Eduardo Jaureguibeitia, Systems Engineer, Aclara Meters
- Pablo Jiménez Canencia, Market Driver for Digital Transformation in Power Consulting, ABB
- José Miguel Yarza, General Manager, ZIV I+D Smart Energy Networks
- Markku Suvanto, Director, Global Technical Sales, Energy Management Division, Digital Grid Software and Services, Siemens
16:30 - Coffee break
17:00 - SESSION 2. New technologies for the electrical grids; Digitalisation and electrification of energy demand (cont.)
Moderator: Enrique Monasterio, Director of Development and Innovation, Ente Vasco de la Energía / Basque Energy Agency (EVE)
- Aitor Arzuaga, General Manager, IBIL
- Roberto Ortiz de Zarate, R&D Director, Grupo Arteche
- José Mª Torres, Director Smart Grids, Ormazabal
- Alberto Guerrero, CTO, Grupo Ingeteam
18:15 - End of the first day
9:15 - Opening conference of the day
- Inés Romero, Region Head for Power Consulting EMEA, ABB
9:45 - SESSION 3. The role of the distribution business in the energy transition in Spain
Un gran número de informes muestra que las utilities españolas están siendo precursoras en el desarrollo y el despliegue de las redes inteligentes; siendo los proyectos en los que están implicadas de los más relevantes a nivel mundial en relación a la adopción de nuevas tecnologías y a la digitalización de sistemas, equipos y procesos. En esta sesión los principales responsables de las más importantes operadoras de red de distribución en España presentarán los factores clave que facilitarán el desarrollo de las redes inteligentes, así como su visión de futuro.
Moderator: Ángel Díaz Gallo, Director of Smart Grids, TECNALIA
- Luis Álvarez, Director of Distribution, EDP España
- Nicolás Arcauz, Director Smart Grids Global, i-DE (Iberdrola Distribución Eléctrica)
- Leonardo Hervás, General Director, CIDE
- Manuel Sánchez, General Director of Infrastructures, Viesgo
- Raúl Suárez, Electricity Networks Spain Managing Director, Naturgy
11:30 - Coffee break
12:00 - SESSION 4. Flexibility markets and new role-players and services: aggregators and prosumers.
As electricity networks become smarter and the penetration of distributed energy resources increases, utilities will demand more flexibility services to guarantee a safe and efficient power supply. The provision of network services by distributed energy resources at the local and system level is considered to be a crucial achievement in the quest of more flexible powers systems, capable of coping with the operating challenges derived from a fully decarbonized power supply. New actors like prosumers and aggregators will play key roles in the future energy supply chain under promising business models based on self-consumption, demand response, etc. This session will bring together energy market specialists and leaders in the international industry who will identify and discuss the main challenges to the development of flexibility markets and how they are being addressed in different countries.
Moderator: Hugo Lucas, Head of the Regulatory Frameworks and Corporate Strategy for the Energy Transition Department, IDAE
- Pedro Basagoiti, Markets Director, OMI – Polo Español (OMIE)
- Alicia Carrasco, Executive Director, ENTRA (Asociación de los Agentes y Empresas Eléctricas y de Servicios Energéticos)
- James Johnston, CEO and Co-founder, Piclo Flex
- Mehdi Madani, Grids & Markets consultant, N-SIDE
- Martin Möller, Head of Regional / International Market, Innogy SE
13:45 - Closure of the congress
- Javier Marqués, Technical Director, Ente Vasco de la Energía (EVE)
- Jorge Fernández Gómez, Senior Researcher and Energy Lab Coordinator, Orkestra – Basque Institute of Competitiveness
- Luis Pedrosa, Director of Energy and Environment, TECNALIA